Web Apps

We offer end-to-end custom web development services including ground-up bespoke web development, migration, update, & ongoing maintenance services. We provide custom web application development services ranging from basic landing pages to complex customized web solutions helping clients achieve their business goals effectively.

If you desire to experience the best of web development to ensure growth-centric digital transformation for your business, our full-stack web application development services are perfect for you. From e-commerce portals, CMS, ERP solutions to Chatbots, custom apps and more - our web development services include all major robust web solutions.


Technology Consulting

We are focused to become your reliable IT partner with the functional know-how, resources, and domain expertise, thereby ensuring that you gain appreciative ROI from your web development project. We assist you in

  • OS and server migration
  • Software upgradation consulting
  • Platform and technology consulting

eCommerce Solutions

Our E-Commerce web application development solutions are based on Open source as well as Microsoft technologies like, .NET Core, ASP.Net, Angular, PHP, Java, JavaScript, Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, Magento etc.

  • E-commerce portal development
  • Shopping cart and product solutions
  • Secure payment gateway integration
  • Shipping solutions and integration
  • SMS gateway integration

Portal Development

For any customer portal development our focus always remains to build a platform that can easily communicate with your customers. Our process of web portal development evaluates all the needs and objectives of online businesses followed by objective fulfillment evaluation to ensure what was promised has been delivered.

  • Business (B2B & B2C) portal development
  • Shopping Portal development
  • Job, Matrimony & Real-estate portals

Product re-engineering

Our application integration & re-engineering services address your development, design, integration, testing & deployment requirements to connect unique functionality & data with modern architectures & platforms.

  • Legacy app and data migration
  • Plugin, Chrome extensions and API integration
  • Add-on and server integration

Blockchain, ML & Chatbots

We Use advanced Machine Learning techniques and build real-time Chatbots which not only understand your business but also enhance their knowledgebase with time.

  • Customer service website chatbots
  • Facebook based service chatbots
  • Personalized chatbots for training purposes

Progressive Web Application

PWA (Progressive Web Apps) is one of the most talked about technology shifts in the web and has gained unparalleled momentum among the IT practitioners. PWA is the latest ‘buzzword’ that has been added to every web developer’s work vocabulary these days. It’s not surprising because PWA has made the far-fetched dream of installing web apps on phone for real.

Characteristics of A Progressive Web App

  • Progressive. By definition, a progressive web app works on any device and enhance progressively, taking advantage of any features available on the user’s device and browser.
  • Discoverable. Because a progressive web app is a website, it is discoverable in search engines. This is a major advantage over native applications, which still lag behind websites in searchability.
  • Linkable. As another characteristic inherited from websites, a well-designed website uses the URI to indicate the current state of the application. This will enable the web app to retain or reload its state when the user bookmarks or shares the app’s URL.
  • Responsive. A progressive web app’s UI fits the device’s form factor and screen size.
  • App-like. A progressive web app looks like a native app which is built on the application shell model, with minimal page refreshes.
  • Connectivity-independent. It works in areas of low connectivity or offline (our favorite characteristic).
  • Re-engageable. Mobile app users can more likely to reuse their apps, and progressive web apps helps them to achieve the same goals through features such as push notifications.
  • Installable. A progressive web app can be installed on the device’s home screen, making it readily available.
    • Fresh. When new content is published and the user is connected to the Internet, that content is made available in the app.
    • Safe. Because a progressive web app has a more intimate user experience and because all network requests can be intercepted through service workers, it is imperative that the app is hosted over HTTPS to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.