UBS - Gram Panchayat
Additionally, to perform its duties of providing basic amenities and civic services to rural population, Gram Panchayats are empowered to collect taxes to raise their own resources of revenue. One of such services is providing water for drinking to the residents of the Gram Panchayat. In order to improve the rural water supply and sanitation services, Gram Panchayat’s can setup Gram Panchayat Water and Sanitation Committee (GPWSC) as per the provisions.

GPWSC not only entrusts with the responsibility of planning, implementing, operating and maintaining water supply, sanitation and drainage schemes but also levy connection fee, collect user charges, decide tariffs for operations and maintenance of cost of water supply and sanitation infra, facilities and services.
Another area that works as source of revenue for the Gram Panchayat is identifying the key locations for installing advertisement unipoles with in the limits of Gram Panchayat as the provisions of the Act and bye-laws.
The garbage collection is another area where Government has focus on these days. (Swachh Bharat Mission)
Similarly, a GIS based Survey for Gram Panchayat plays a pivotal role, in identifying each house hold, demarcation on village maps, owners / occupants details, residential or commercial status and lots of other vital information of the property for better planning and identification of other avenues of revenue.

CIS offers addressing all such resources of revenue and their management through its IT based solution. The solution offer the following key features:
- Unique ID based household identification
- Pure Cloud solution accessible on desktop as well as mobile.
- Complete consumer account management
- Monthly/ Quarterly Billing for the services
- Single window system for various services
- Over the counter as well as online payments
- SMS, mobile based PUSH notifications and alerts
- Comprehensive Gram Panchayat Information Portal for transparent disbursement of the services.
- Management Dashboards for quick and reliable insights
- Affordable solution – a subscription-based model
“In order to improve the rural water supply and sanitation and achieving greater participation of Rural habitants the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation has decided to decentralize the responsibility of intra-village water supply and sanitation in partnership with the Gram Panchayats User Groups.”