eLGov - An eGovernance Solution for Municipalities and Gram Panchayat

“We ensure your success and productivity particularly in the early stages of implementation and operations, by offering you best-in-class support and maintenance plan coupled with free product updates and upgrades.”

CIS has a track record of more than 15 years working closely with the Government on its e-Governance initiatives across various states.  CIS offers a wide range of solutions in e-Governance domain for the ULBs and Gram Panchayats. Our integrated approach through single stop service delivery platform enables these public agencies to focus on their primary business of quality services to their consumers, while CIS streamlines processes and ensures revenue regularity of their core business generating departments.

CIS enables citizen reference framework through regular consumer feedback and suggestions, prioritizing the key attention tasks and problems to address. To achieve this, we at CIS have developed and deployed AI based Grievance Redressal Platform. This unique platform uses machine learning techniques to generate key insights for quick decision making and lots of rich analytics which can further help in policy making and implementation.

 The services are offered in a flexible yet robust environment to ensure there is timely updates yet no portion of the solution is exposed to any kind of risk or threats. We offer services in a private cloud as well as multi-tenancy cloud.


Product Key Features

  • Pure Cloud hosted Application Platform
  • Single / Unique ID based Consumer Identification and Service Mapping
  • Consumer Profiling and Account Management
  • Consumer Portal based on Single Service Delivery Platform
  • Rich Analytics and Business Intelligence
  • System User categorization and Role based access
  • Subscription based model

Integrated Information portal for ULBs and Gram Panchayats

The complete informative portal for the Municipal Corporation / Council / Nagar Panchayat / Gram Panchayat. Apart from the general information about the governing board/members, Services, RTI, RTS, Citizen Charter, regular news and event update; It consists of department-wise sub portlet mentioning the contact points and access to the services.


Utility Billing Solution - Water & Sewerage

A cloud-based consumer billing solution, generates bills / intimations for self-assessments on stipulated time for a predefined period, manages consumer accounts, forecasts revenues, Email and SMS notifications, Online payment and receipt generation. It implements custom workflows for government schemes and notifications.

The solution caters to the needs of Gram Panchayat as well as ULBs. It not only helps in generating revenue based on the budgeting but also in managing consumer accounts to recovery of dues from defaulters with system generated notices and alerts. This is an end-to-end solution from bill generation to collection through online payments and SMS based consumer receipts.


Property-Tax Solution

Since Property Tax is one of the major sources of revenue for any ULB, so it needs to be given a due importance for developing an IT based solution for efficient, accurate, scalable yet flexible and secure system for administration. A comprehensive consumer portal for accessing consumer property details and tax returns based on self-assessment. IT calculates and allows consumers to file their tax online or offline as desired. It has its functionally rich counterpart for internal users at ULBs for generating various reports. The basis of the key parameters in identification and the calculation of a property majorly depends upon the selection of tools and techniques for the property tax survey. We at CIS expertise into a GIS based Unit-to-unit survey in a city using best of the industry practices which are quite scalable and futuristic. The GIS Survey and Property Tax solution are seamlessly integrated to each other to create a complete and comprehensive solution.


Mobility Solution

Most of these core applications have their mobile counterparts to enable application accessibility across devices. The mobile interfaces are as complete as the desktop versions of the applications. However, considering few of the use cases there are some cut down version of the app formatted for mobile views as well. The well-developed mobile apps help consumers to view, save, pay bills and manage their accounts online.


BI & Analytics Platform

CIS has developed its own BI tool to generate management dashboards for quick information insight, sitting on top of these application databases. The dynamic dashboards and the key reports can be generated Department/Service-wise for the various levels of management with in the organizations. The Administration can always see the key values of pre-configured critical parameters as quick as real-time. Further, the part of the information agreed under the minimum disclosure of the information act, gets exposed through the information portal of the ULB or Gram Panchayat to its consumers for the self-service facilities such as anytime bill viewing to payment of the bills or self-assessments.


GIS Based Survey

As information collection at primary source level for city residents, CIS has successfully carried out numerous Door-to-door GIS based survey in the northern geography of the country. We have managed as large as databases of lacs of population, recording basic amenities and its layout, street furniture, allocating unique property IDs as identified tax unit.

Pilot run for “Billing at your doorstep”

CIS with State-of-the-art facility and expertise has developed a hand held device based billing system. The entrusted solution can generate bills just-in-time at consumer doorstep, handover the bills to consumer or SMS and collect the payments of the bills in one go.

Bundled Services

  • Integrated Payment Gateway for online transactions
  • SMS gateway Integration
  • Email and SMS based notifications
  • Automated, scheduled daily backup
  • Bug-fixing and update
  • Built-in Audit-Trail implementation

Value Added Services

  • Secure application access with SSL
  • Pre-configures High availability environment
  • Auto scale-up configuration
  • Real-time application performance monitoring
  • Integrated custom approval workflow and SLAs

A cloud - subscription model based web application

  • Consumer Payment Receipt Counter and acknowledgement printing
  • Customized and economical bill printing
  • Custom ledger printing for annual ledger keeping
  • Provisioned to adapt Govt. Schemes, rebate or interest exemptions
  • CMS based ULB Web Portal for regular events, Govt. schemes and policies update
  • Web portal based contact center for consumers - complaints / Queries / Feedback
  • Integrated departmental portlets for the services offerings
  • Built-in standard common reports
  • Integrated Dashboard for quick data insights

Product Support and Maintenance

Our Maintenance and Support Plans provide the software updates and technical support you need to maintain a stable, optimized environment, minimize risk, and maximize the return on your investment, helping you keep your technology current and your solutions running smoothly. CIS offers different support plans T&M basis.

  • Standard Technical Support
  • Support Center Access Hours based Plan
  • Target Response Time based Plan
  • Premium Support