e-Governance Solution

e-Governance Solution

eLGov - An eGovernance Solution for Municipalities and Gram Panchayat

“We ensure your success and productivity particularly in the early stages of implementation and operations, by offering you best-in-class support and maintenance plan coupled with free product updates and upgrades.”

CIS has a track record of more than 15 years working closely with the Government on its e-Governance initiatives across various states.  CIS offers a wide range of solutions in e-Governance domain for the ULBs and Gram Panchayats. Our integrated approach through single stop service delivery platform enables these public agencies to focus on their primary business of quality services to their consumers, while CIS streamlines processes and ensures revenue regularity of their core business generating departments.

CIS enables citizen reference framework through regular consumer feedback and suggestions, prioritizing the key attention tasks and problems to address. To achieve this, we at CIS have developed and deployed AI based Grievance Redressal Platform. This unique platform uses machine learning techniques to generate key insights for quick decision making and lots of rich analytics which can further help in policy making and implementation.

 The services are offered in a flexible yet robust environment to ensure there is timely updates yet no portion of the solution is exposed to any kind of risk or threats. We offer services in a private cloud as well as multi-tenancy cloud. Read more..


10 July 2021

